Essential Concepts: Human Genetics, Chapter 12

Objective 12.1 Use pedigrees and karyotypes to study heredity.

Geneticists, scientists who study heredity, use family trees (called pedigrees), karyotyping, and molecular techniques to learn about human inheritance patterns.

  1. A pedigree is a chart that shows how a trait, and the genes that control it, are inherited in a family. Pedegree analysis is the study of certain traits over several generations.
    1. a circle represents a female and a square represents a male,
    2. a line between a male and a female represents a marriage,
    3. children are indicated by a line extending down from the marriage line,
    4. a shaded circle or square indicates a person has the trait being considered,
    5. a half-shaded circle or square indicates a person carries the allele for the trait but does not exhibit the trait,
    6. the generations in a pedigree are numbered with Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc.), and individuals are numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)
  2. A karyotype is a photograph that shows an individual's chromosomes in homologous pairs and allows geneticists to study chromosomes directly. A karyotype can be used to find any chromosomal abnormality that is visible, like too many or too few chromosomes.

Obj 12.2 Contrast autosomes from sex chromosomes.

One pair of an individual's chromosomes, the sex chromosomes, determine the sex of the individual. Females have two identical sex chromosomes, termed "X" chromosomes, while males have two different sex chromosomes, an "X" and a "Y" chromosome. The other twenty-two pairs of chromosomes (44 total in humans ) are called autosomal chromosomes, or autosomes.

Obj 12.3 Describe several chromosome disorders and relate each to the type of chromosome mutation that causes it.

A mutation is a spontaneous change in a gene or chromosome. Some types of mutations are described below.

  1. Nondisjunction

Occasionally, one or more chromosome pairs fail to separate during meiosis. This failure to separate during meiosis is called nondisjunction. Gametes (egg or sperm) will have either an extra chromosome or one too few. Then, if one of these gametes is involved in fertilization, instead of having the normal two chromosomes (one from mom and one from dad) for each of the 23 sets, the zygote and the resulting person will have for the affected chromosome either three copies (two from one parent and one from the other) or only one (one from one parent and none from the other). The condition in which an individual lacks a chromosome from one parent is called monosomy (mono means "one"); the condition in which an individual has an extra chromosome is called trisomy (tri means "three").

Some disorders that are the result of nondisjuction are:

    1. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has three chromosome #21s ("trisomy 21").
    2. Klinefelter syndrome occurs when a male has an extra X chromosome (XXY).
    3. Turner syndrome is a disorder in which a person has only one X chromosome and no other sex chromosome. Affected persons are females (XO) fail to develop sexually and remain sterile.
  1. Defective chromosome structure
  1. Chromosomal Mutations: whole genes or groups of genes are moved or deleted.
  1. Inversion, in which a section of a chromosome breaks off and reattaches upside-down. The code of bases, which determine the amino acids composition of a protein, will be read incorrectly.
  2. Deletion, in which part of a chromosome breaks off. Cri-du-chat syndrome is an example of a disorder caused by a large deletion from chromosome 5.
  3. Duplication, in which a delected section joins its homologous chromosome, thus duplicating the genes on that chromosome.
  4. Translocation, in which a delected section joins a distant chromosome.
  1. Gene Mutations: a single base is added, deleted, or exchanged.
                1. Substitution, in which one base is replaced by another. This is also called a point mutation because only one amino acid will be affected.
                2. Addition, in which one base is inserted. All the code down the DNA line will be offset by one and all the resulting transcribed amino acids will be wrong.
                3. Deletion, in which one base is deleted. Like addition, all the codes down the DNA strand from the deletion will be mis-translated.

Obj 12.4 Compare dominant, recessive, codominant and sex-linked genetic disorders.

  1. Recessive genetic disorders are caused by a recessive allele. Individuals must be homozygous recessive to exhibit the disorder. Heterozygous individuals carry the problem allele and can pass it on the their children, that is, they are carriers. Tay-Sachs disease and Cystic Fibrosis are caused by recessive alleles.
  2. Dominant-allele disorders are are expressed every time they show up. Huntington's disease is a fatal genetic disorder, but people don't develop symptoms until their late thirties or forties and therefore pass it on to children they have before then.
  3. Codominant-allele disorders occur when alleles are neither dominant nor recessive but are both expressed when heterozygous. Sickle-cell disease is an example. Individuals who are homozygous for sickle cell have red blood cells that can become sickle-shaped (rather than the normal round). Individuals who are heterozygous have some defective red blood cells and some normal red blood cells.
  4. Sex-linked disorders. Some genes are carried on the X chromosomes. Because males (XY) have only one X chromosome (females have two, XX), all alleles on a male's X will be expressed. Thus males are more affected by sex-linked disorders, like color-blindness and hemophilia, than are females.